Five Minute Friday: Expectation

Photo Courtesy of Forgiven Photography at Lightsock

Today I am participating in Five Minute Friday, where a group of writers get together and free write about a one word prompt for 5 minutes. Today’s word is “expectation.”

I’ve been reading this book called The End of the Magi by Patrick Carr. It is a fiction book about the magi traveling, following the star to find the Messiah, the King of Israel. The setting starts with the book of Daniel, which I think might have been about 500 years or so before the birth of Jesus. The premise of the story is the creation of the magi in Daniel’s time to ensure that the calendar of when the Messiah will arrive is kept, based on the prophecy.

I don’t know how much of the content is fiction and how much is fact. I haven’t studied that particular part of the Scriptures very much, but it has given me a lot to think about. The magi had a sincere expectation of the coming King. They were expecting him so much, they tracked it with a calendar.

I believe many others in Israel were the same. When you read the Gospels, it is sometimes evident that they were expecting him. It was not like he was just some random guy who showed up on the scene, and they were like, “Hey, he is doing some cool stuff, so let’s follow him.” I believe they were so anchored in what the Scriptures said about Him, that when He arrived, many were like, “He’s here!!”

One example is the woman with the issue of blood. In her story, she says to herself, “if I can just touch His garment, I will be healed.” That is a reference to a prophecy in Malachai, where the “sun of righteousness would arise with healing in his wings.” The wings of his garment were called the tzitzit, and I imagine that’s where she touched.

I was reading something yesterday about numbers in the Bible, and it said that in 1 Peter, Peter made references to Old Testament Scriptures something like 28 times. I do not remember the exact number, but it was such a high number that I was amazed. I don’t notice everything a Jewish person might notice in that letter that he mentioned from the Old Testament. Their lives were steeped in Scripture. They lived it, through geography, food, festivals, and the Torah and other writings. They just didn’t look at it and move on with their day. Their lives were absorbed in it. So, they had an expectation of Jesus’ arrival.

I think we are getting ready to come full circle. As we get ready to celebrate Christmas, I am also more aware of The Lord’s second coming. It might be tomorrow, and it might be next year. But my heart is set, and I am looking for Him, with ernest expectation waiting for Him to come again.

“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven.-Acts 1:11 (Berean Study Bible)

Five Minute Friday: Nourish

Today I am participating in Five Minute Friday, where a group of writers get together and free write about a one word prompt for 5 minutes. Today’s word is “nourish.”

*This is a fiction story inspired by the events in Mark chapter 1 & 2 in the Gospels.

Cast of Characters:

Portia-Peter’s Mother-in-Law

Zeruiah-Peter’s wife

Hosea-Paralyzed man from Mark chapter 2


“Ima, are you going to visit Hosea today?” Zeruiah flipped the bread and continued to knead it gently. “I am making some bread, but it will not be ready for a while. You can take some with you for him if you are going later.”

“Thank you my dear,” Portia called out from the bedroom. “But I am getting ready to go now. I will take something we already have on hand. He needs nourishment, so I am not sure just the bread will be enough for him. I can take some of our leftover bread from yesterday’s meal, but I think it would be good to include some pomegranates, figs, goat cheese, plus some of the chickpea stew. I haven’t been for a few days, and I don’t know if his family has checked on him since then. He is so angry all the time. I have gotten used to his gruff manner, but he has pained them so that it is still hard for them to go over there.”

“You would think they would have pity for him in his condition. I know they are hurt by his lashing out, but the man can’t walk. He is paralyzed and needs regular assistance. Couldn’t they just get over their pain to help comfort him in his?”

“Sometimes it is hard darling for people to recover from their childhoods. Their parents may have said harsh words, or worse left physical marks on their bodies that extended into their souls. You have had a good life Zeruiah. Your father and I always tried to keep you in the ways of Yahweh and that meant loving each other. Even though Hosea is a Jewish man, his family has adopted some of the ways of the Greeks, and they have not always been kind to one another. You know that my parents were influenced as well and that is how I got my name.”

“Yes Ima. I know. You tell me all the time.” Zeruiah laughed as she reminded her mother that she knew their history. “Peter will be here shortly. It will not be much longer and we will be married. Will you be glad to finally be rid of me?”

“No my love. I will not. Maybe you and Peter should just live here, yes?